Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday January 21, 2009

Well, again finally. I have been pretty busy. Working two days a week at the Air Force Reserve base and then homeschooling the boys, and I took a college class last semester, but chose not to continue- too much going on.
Mae is giving us some interesting times, and I am not sure what to do with her, or how to help her. I guess she is an adult and needs to take responsibility for her own life. Unfortunately, she is not living her life the way I want her to- making choices that I find objectionable. But, again, it is her free agency.
Mari is so busy with the plays and seems to always be gone- she gets home late every day, and goes to bed early. We just don't see much of her.
As far as the boys go- I can't seem to motivate them to get thier work done right now. I am not sure how to get them going again, but they need to get to work!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Trying to keep up!

Lately, I have just been trying to catch up with everything. My house is finally presentable, well, except the couple of loads of laundry in the living room waiting to get to their final destinations. But, I did get a baby blanket made for Margo- her baby Ruby sure is cute!!
I need to get a few more done today or tomorrow. I still have applesauce to can too, but once I get going on that it will be done quickly. Lots to do this weekend though, going out for Brian's 40th birthday- he is a member of our game group.
I do have to work this weekend too- but I don't mind it too much- I get lots of reading done!
The homeschooling is going better, Grant needs to learn to move faster, but the other boys are doing pretty well overall.